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Readiness for the aging population in private dental practices

Vol. 56 No. 2

(October 2024–January 2025)

Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene (CJDH)

Welcome to the online home of the Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene! This dedicated website offers our global audience easy access to all articles published since 2005, as well as to general information about the journal, its policies, and its manuscript submission procedures.

The Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene (CJDH), established in 1966, is the peer-reviewed research journal of the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Published online in February, June, and October, CJDH welcomes submissions in English and French on topics of relevance to dental hygiene practice, education, policy, and theory.

To discuss a possible contribution to the journal, please contact the scientific editor at

For details on the journal’s manuscript formatting and submission requirements, please read our Guidelines for Authors.

Current Issue

2025 - Volume 59

February (Vol. 59 No. 1)

Original Research
Literature Reviews
Short Communication


Artificial intelligence in oral health care: Friend or foe?

Salme E Lavigne, PhD, RDH | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 3-6

Original Research

Children’s Oral Health Initiative program’s impact on First Nations and Inuit children

Katherine Yerex, MSc, RDH; Juyoung Lee, BSc; Robert J Schroth, DMD, MSc, PhD; Jinchul Kim; Jeanette M Edwards, BOT, MHA; Khalida Hai-Santiago, DMD; Mary Bertone, MPH, RDH; Alyssa Hayes, BDent(Hons), MSc, FRCD(C); Josée Lavoie, PhD; Heather D Martin, BScHNS; Lisette Dufour, RDH; Penny White, RDH; Mary McNally, DDS, MSc, MA | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 9-17

Evaluating the effects of remineralizing agents on initial carious lesions

Suwimon Jettanacheawchankit, Tuksaporn Pongpradit, Amornrat Euapokai, Auchchara Eiamsakul, Kritsa Wongmoon, Kornchanok Wayakanon | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 18-28

Why do we need this? Perception and integration of basic and clinical sciences by dental hygiene students

Ava K Chow, PhD; Reid Friesen, DDS, MSc; Nazlee Sharmin, PhD, MEd | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 29-35

Development of client-centredness: Perceptions of interprofessional health care students

Denyse Blanco, BMR(OT), MSc; Jacquie Ripat, BMR(OT), MSc, PhD; Laura MacDonald, BScDH, MEd, PhD; Christine Ateah, BN, MEd, PhD; Pamela Wener, BMR(OT), MEd, PhD | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 36-44

Literature Reviews

Use of social media by parents as a resource for knowledge on children’s oral health: a systematic review

Dhandayuthapani Sasikala, BDS; Parisa Norouzi Baghkomeh, MDS, MSc; Jamaluddin Mohammed Farzan, MDS; Sivakumar Nuvvula, MDS; Selva Arockiam, MDS | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 45-58

Effectiveness of orofacial myofunctional therapy in improving orofacial function and oral habits: a scoping review

Cristine Miron Stefani, DDS, PhD; Adriano de Almeida de Lima, DDS, PhD; Fabiane Miron Stefani, SLP, PhD; Janice Y Kung, BCom, MLIS; Carlos Flores-Mir, DDS, PhD; Sharon M Compton, RDH, PhD | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 59-72

Supplementary File 1
Supplementary File 2
Supplementary Tables S1-S7

Short Communication

Kahoot! in a dental hygiene class: Motivating or stressful for students?

Nazlee Sharmin, PhD, MEd, Alia Wazir, MEd, Ava K Chow, PhD | Can J Dent Hyg 2025;59(1): 73-78